
This site (mostly moribund now) provides me a space to explore the place of history in our world and of multimedia and emerging technologies in academic libraries (and other stuff that I decide is fun).  This is a personal site, so I reserve the right to wander a bit afield from time to time–one never does know what might strike one’s fancy.

I’m employed as the Head of Creative Technologies and Scholarship at Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries. Here you can find my official work bio. I can be reached at ericdmjohnson [at] gmail [dot] com.

If you’re interested in older iterations of this blog from my time as a museum librarian or at the Scholars’ Lab, you can find those posts here.

The posts and other material I have created on this site are–like the opinions I express–solely my own and are in no wise that of my employer or any other entity. I am not liable for the comments made by others, though I will clean them up at my discretion if I find them offensive.